After Pentecost | Monday 10 Jun 2024: Psalm 108; 1 Samuel 7:3-15; Revelation 20:1-6 ~ Temporary judgement and the rule of martyrs.

After Pentecost | Monday 10 Jun 2024

+ In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Grant, O Lord,
that the course of this world may be
so peaceably ordered by your providence,
that your Church may joyfully serve you
in quiet confidence and godly peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

“Then I saw the souls of those
whose heads had been cut off
because of their testimony about Jesus
and because of God’s word….
They lived and ruled with Christ for 1,000 years.”
(Revelation 20:4)


From Psalms: Psalm 108“My Heart is Steadfast – Psalm 108” | Ellie Holcomb


OT Reading: 1 Samuel 7:3-15 (GW)

7:3 Samuel told the entire nation of Israel, “If you are returning to the Lord wholeheartedly, get rid of the foreign gods you have, including the statues of the goddess Astarte. Make a commitment to the Lord, and serve only him. Then he will rescue you from the Philistines.”

So the Israelites got rid of the statues of Baal and Astarte and served only the Lord.

Then Samuel said, “Gather all the Israelites together at Mizpah, and I will pray to the Lord for you.” So the Israelites gathered together at Mizpah. They drew some water, poured it out in front of the Lord, and fasted that day. They confessed, “We have sinned against the Lord.” So Samuel judged Israel in Mizpah.

The Philistines Defeated

7:7 When the Philistines heard that the Israelites had gathered at Mizpah, the Philistine rulers came to attack Israel. The Israelites heard ⌞about the Philistine plan⌟ and were afraid of them. The Israelites said to Samuel, “Don’t turn a deaf ear to us! Don’t stop crying to the Lord our God for us! Ask him to save us from the Philistines!”

Then Samuel took a lamb, one still feeding on milk, and sacrificed it as a burnt offering to the Lord. Samuel cried to the Lord on behalf of Israel, and the Lord answered him. While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines came to fight against Israel. On that day the Lord thundered loudly at the Philistines and threw them into such confusion that they were defeated by Israel. Israel’s soldiers left Mizpah, pursued the Philistines, and killed them as far as Beth Car.

Then Samuel took a rock and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer [Rock of Help] and said, “Until now the Lord has helped us.”

The power of the Philistines was crushed, so they didn’t come into Israel’s territory again. The Lord restrained the Philistines as long as Samuel lived. The cities between Ekron and Gath which the Philistines took from Israel were returned to Israel. And Israel recovered the territory controlled by these cities from the Philistines. There was also peace between Israel and the Amorites.

Samuel judged Israel as long as he lived.


You Are God AlonePhillips, Craig & Dean / Worship Lyric Initiative


NT Reading: Revelation 20:1-6 (GW)

An Angel Overpowers the Devil

20:1 I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key to the bottomless pit and a large chain in his hand. He overpowered the serpent, that ancient snake, named Devil and Satan. The angel chained up the serpent for 1,000 years. He threw it into the bottomless pit. The angel shut and sealed the pit over the serpent to keep it from deceiving the nations anymore until the 1,000 years were over. After that it must be set free for a little while.

I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were allowed to judge. Then I saw the souls of those whose heads had been cut off because of their testimony about Jesus and because of God’s word. They had not worshiped the beast or its statue and were not branded on their foreheads or hands. They lived and ruled with Christ for 1,000 years. The rest of the dead did not live until the 1,000 years ended.

This is the first time that people come back to life. Blessed and holy are those who are included the first time that people come back to life. The second death has no power over them. They will continue to be priests of God and Christ. They will rule with him for 1,000 years.


Whom Shall I FearChris Tomlin / The Commissioned


Prayer: ACNA | BCP2019

+ O God, by whom the meek are guided in judgment, and light rises up in darkness for the godly: Grant us, in all our  doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what you would have us do, that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all  false choices; that in your light we may see light, and in your straight path we may not stumble; through Jesus Christ  our Lord. Amen.

+ Sovereign Lord: We pray for the peace of Jerusalem:

    • Protect Israel from the fiery darts of the evil one coming from every direction, both within and without.
    • Grant your heavenly wisdom to those guiding Israel militarily, politically, and diplomatically;
    • Give them hearts to receive, and the courage to do, what’s right in your sight.
    • Comfort those who grieve and mourn the loss of loved ones;
    • Rebuke those who would use grief for evil purposes.
    • Bring swift and certain justice to all those complicit in the Oct 7th atrocities;
    • Deliver the hostages from captivity, and restore their souls.
    • Destroy every stronghold of the evil death cult terrorizing the Middle East.
    • Strengthen the Messianic communities – Jew and Arab alike – bind them together in love, that they may be a source of help, and healing, and hope;
    • Use them in the restoration of your people to their proper place in your Kingdom.
    • We pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

+ Heavenly Father, you have promised to hear what we ask in the Name of your Son: Accept and fulfill our petitions,  we pray, not as we ask in our ignorance, nor as we deserve in our sinfulness, but as you know and love us in your Son  Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Closing: | John Birch

The Lord bless us, and preserve us from all evil,
and keep us in eternal life.

+ In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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